
Social Media Roundup: Spot the Successful CEOs

The brave aren't all bald—and neither are most CEOs. An infographic breaks down the top traits of the world's best-performing company executives. Plus: the ingredients to deliver a rockin' case study.

What are the basic traits of the world’s highest-ranking CEOs? Male or female? B.A. holder or MBA graduate? Glasses or perfect vision? A Harvard Business Review article goes deep on the subject, but you can find the highlights nicely condensed into a handy infographic that’s worth checking out.

The details, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:

Where’s Waldo?

Wisdom starts at the roots—and keeps growing: A good half have a head of hair, and only 11 percent have peaked on the balding track. Yes, these are the hairlines of the world’s 100 top-performing CEOs, as identified earlier this year by HBR. Of course, there’s a lot more to them than that. According to a DOMO and CEO.com infographic that captures key highlights, the majority are men (2 percent are women). They are married—with, on average, three kids to greet once home from work. For every 10 successful CEOs, only four wear glasses. Three in 10 have an MBA, and 62 percent went undergrad outside of the States. Playing “Spot the CEO”? In the U.S., you’ll do well to look in California; it’s the state with the most companies with successful executives. A little sun never hurts. (ht @juliekeho)

Study up


On your case: Take out the yellow pad and jot down these ingredients—marketing associate Allison McGuire is delivering her recipe for the A+ case study to help tout your organization. You’ll need real testimonials. These are the meat of your association endorsements and can guide your marketing and donor recruitment strategies. Transparency works in your favor, especially when you document how you spend your money. And the tried-and-true survey is great for learning how your services are perceived. Mix these ingredients well, and your case study is ready to be served. (ht @nathan_mccavery)

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Emma Beck

By Emma Beck

Emma Beck is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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