
Conference Circuit: Humans Not Required

The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International’s Xponential 2016 starts in New Orleans early next week.

The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International’s XPONENTIAL 2016 starts in New Orleans early next week.

More than 8,000 unmanned systems and robotics leaders from around the world will be in New Orleans in a few days to increase their knowledge about the future of industry policy and regulation, network with peers, and get a look at the latest technology.

Association: Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International

Conference: XPONENTIAL 2016

Venue: Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Location: New Orleans

XPONENTIAL 2016 starts on Monday afternoon with two 90-minute time blocks for education sessions, followed by a welcome reception that will give attendees the chance to speak with their peers as well as the day’s speakers and presenters. Also noteworthy:

Wayfinding mission. AUVSI has created eight Journey Maps for attendees that will help them navigate the best education and networking opportunities available to them at the conference, depending on who they are. Among the paths: research and development, defense, ground, and airspace integration.

Host with the most. Miles O’Brien, award-winning journalist and science correspondent for PBS NewsHour, will host the four-day show. Among his duties will be introducing the five keynote speakers, including Gur Kimchi, vice president and cofounder of Amazon Prime Air, and Michael P. Huerta, administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration.

Networking made easy. New this year is Connect, a networking portal for exhibitors and attendees. Connect enables people to search for exhibitors, products, and sessions; create lists of their favorites and add them to a personal itinerary for the show; and email and request onsite appointments with exhibitors.

Mad about robots and drones? Follow the meeting via Twitter (#auvsiXPO), Facebook, and YouTube.


Samantha Whitehorne

By Samantha Whitehorne

Samantha Whitehorne is editor-in-chief of Associations Now. MORE

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