Associations Tap More Temp Talent
Government labor statistics show a significant rise in the number of temporary employees, and associations are playing a part in the trend.
Temporary employment is on the rise, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ August 2012 Employment Situation report. In the past year, the number of temporary employees in the workforce has grown by 9 percent to more than 2.5 million; go back another year and the increase is nearly 20 percent.
Associations have played a part in that increase, said Jim Zaniello, president and founder of Vetted Solutions, a firm specializing in association and nonprofit recruiting.
“I do think that the economy has had an effect on organizations seeking temp workers,” he said. “As associations get comfortable with what their revenue streams look like, they are taking a more conservative approach rather than filling or refilling a position.”
Associations are using temps in a variety of ways.
“Sometimes it’s to fill an unexpected vacancy, or when it’s taking longer than anticipated to fill an empty position,” said Zaniello. “Or a vacancy may exist because of the creation of a new position. Other times, it’s to accomplish a program which requires a specific state of expertise but doesn’t repeat itself throughout the year.”
Whatever the circumstances, associations are finding that temporary workers can provide benefits to the organization that might be more difficult to find in full-time employees.
“In some cases, they are able to get a higher level of talent on an hourly or project basis than they could from a full-time employee,” said Zaniello. “Sometimes that’s just the luck of the draw as to who’s in the market.”
Temp workers give the organization an opportunity to test how a position functions before hiring someone full-time, Zaniello said. Based on what managers see from the temp, they can adjust the role as needed before taking the next step.