Social Snapshot: November 2012
What people are saying in association social spaces: Including board member reimbursement, direct mail, and browser tabs.
From LinkedIn
“Many of our board members do not ask for reimbursement [for travel to association meetings], feeling they need to give back to the industry. While that’s nice for those who own their business, we feel it’s important to offer when a portion of our board are not owners and heavy expenses could put them in an uncomfortable position with their company.” —Vernon Schmidt, executive vice president, Farm Equipment Manufacturers Association, ASAE’s LinkedIn group
From Collaborate
“Some people give up on using direct mail for membership because they test a list and it does not work. In my mind, that is like flying to a city where it is sunny and believing that it will never rain. You need a bigger sample. Results from one list should not define a whole marketing channel.” —Tony Rossell, senior VP, Marketing General, Inc., on ASAE’s Collaborate network
From Twitter
@kikilitalien: Quick! Count how many tabs are open on your browser and share your answer! Mine = 49 and 3 windows. #browsercount #assnchat
@SheilaS: B4 starting a blog, understand that you’re an online publisher. You research, create, publish, distribute & market. It’s HARD. #assnchat