Social Snapshot: September/October 2013
What people are saying in association social spaces: Including issues on big data, member value, branding and analytics.
From Collaborate
“Data is purely an input, not an ends unto itself. Research might provide valuable decision support in some cases, but in many circumstances it’s unhelpful, even counterproductive, to blow the time it takes to conduct it.” —Kevin Whorton, principal, Whorton Marketing & Research, on ASAE’s Collaborate network
“When it comes to dues payments, we find that members who see value, pay. Hence, we put all our efforts in maximizing our value proposition. If you have value that members truly need, when you cut off their benefits, they pay pretty quickly.” —Tom Morrison, CEO, Metal Treating Institute, on ASAE’s Collaborate network
From AssociationsNow.com
“Brand isn’t about controlling every mention of your product. It’s about how you engage with the world from end to end.” —Meredith Low, principal, Meredith Low Consulting, on AssociationsNow.com
From Twitter
@jcufaude: Sad that my Google Analytics never say ppl find me when searching for “amazing smart and handsome guy in the Midwest.” Alas.