Social Media Roundup: Don’t Get Stuck on Autopilot
The dangers of a reflexive leadership style. Also: Don't forget the strategy in your strategic plan.
Sure, it’s easier to do certain things the same way every time, but, eventually, this tactic doesn’t work anymore.
Thoughts on that in today’s Social Media Roundup:
When You Start to Slip
Knowing When to Turn the Auto-Pilot Off http://t.co/qfdK1mDf6b
— Jamie Notter (@jamienotter) June 10, 2014
It’s great to have a plan of action in a given situation, but when it turns into a mere reflex, there’s a big problem.
So says consultant Jamie Notter, who suggests that an “autopilot” style of management comes with a lot of pitfalls. For one thing, what works for a while when dealing with routine things won’t always work in the long run.
“While those things sit on the back burner, the world continues to change,” he writes. “What was once useful can easily become not useful, and things we THOUGHT were useful can be discovered to be quite problematic once we learn more about how things work. So the trick is to know when we need to pull some of those things off the back burner and work on them.”
In other words, it’s a slippery slope. The yoke isn’t perfect and drifts slightly to the right. Before you know it, you’re off track. (ht @jamienotter)
All Plan, No Strategy
Signs you may have a strategic plan, but not a strategy http://t.co/g6zT76Z2Qc via @LowMeredith #engageassn #csae #assnchat
— Meagan Rockett (@rockettm) June 11, 2014
Sometimes the process gets in the way. That’s according to consultant Meredith Low, who talks about the problems of a strategic plan that’s focused too much on the process and not enough on the details of how you will succeed in accomplishing your goal. Low describes problems that may indicate that you have a strategic plan but not a strategy, such as when your plan doesn’t help you make decisions.
“Should you prioritize speed or quality?” she writes. “Should you take a broad or a narrow approach to defining your target market? If you don’t refer to your strategy when you are wondering how to answer questions like this, it’s probably not really a strategy.”
Oh, and if you don’t know what your strategy is without looking it up in a document, that’s a problem. (ht @rockettm)