Social Media Roundup: Customization in the Age of Limited Resources
Members want more options, but there's only one of you. What do you do? Also: The benefits of repackaging your best stuff in different forms.
Customized member experiences would be awesome, right?
Sure would. But so would more resources—something you don’t have right now. Today’s Social Media Roundup ponders these two competing needs:
When Less Needs to Be More
One size doesn’t fit all, but dealing with all those different sizes is a tall order.
In a blog post on MemberClicks, Christina Green ponders whether this push toward more-customized membership options—say, the tiers that our own Joe Rominiecki mentioned last week—mean a lot of extra stress on membership staffers working with limited resources.
“But providing a customized member experience for everyone is hard work and one that requires resources that many associations don’t have,” she writes.
She notes, however, that there are ways to help balance the extra load so you’re not getting too overburdened. Some of those ideas include polling members on what they’re looking for, getting inspiration from other associations dealing with similar issues, and relying on technology to help streamline your offerings.
Ultimately, she emphasizes, it’s feedback that matters most. (ht @MV_Partners)
Package, Repackage, Repackage Again
You hit the “post” button on that great blog post you labored over. Feels good, right?
But just because you’re done with the writing part of said content doesn’t mean you should let it fade into the ether, never to be seen again. That’s why this advice on repurposing content from HubSpot‘s Laura Hogan should be heeded.
There are a lot of directions you can take with that finished story, including building a podcast out of it, giving the content a responsive design, and even turning it into an infographic or ebook. Hubspot, of course, is the master of this approach.
“We have seen traction on our piece of content that we repurposed again and again,” she writes. “And that’s because each time we repurpose our study we make it so it can be digested differently than the last version.”
Any tips you have on making your content go the distance? (ht @RvanHilst)