
Social Media Roundup: Small Plates, Big Lessons

What tiny portions can teach education pros about savoring big ideas. Also: how to price your online advertising.

Just because you get more for your money with a massive plate of nachos, that doesn’t necessarily mean the food tastes better than a meal that takes up half the space. In fact, that tiny plate of bacon-wrapped dates might have twice the flavor.

A foodie’s lesson in flavor in today’s Social Media Roundup:

A Bite-Sized Treat

Sometimes, the tastiest plates aren’t the ones that are packed to the gills with food. As José Andrés might tell you, a small plate of something great might have a stronger effect.

That’s a lesson Conferences That Work author Adrian Segar picked up on a recent trip to San Francisco, and he enjoyed (almost) every bite. Here’s why he was such a fan:

Small-plate meals make it easy to share and fun to discover commonalities with your dining companions. They allow great flexibility for personal choice. I can mix and match my own personal mélange on the spot. If I don’t enjoy something on one plate, someone else probably will and I can concentrate on what I really like. Compare this with the common experience of ordering a single massive entrée that you find you don’t like so much or can’t finish.

This, Segar says, offers some great lessons for learning environments: “Supplying small bites of learning during your conferences, with time to reflect, swap ideas, and contrast experiences, turns out to be a highly enjoyable and effective way to feed the minds and souls of your participants.” (ht @ASegar)

Know Your CPC From Your CPM

Too much, and you could turn off potential buyers. Too little, and you could be leaving money on the table.

Which is why, if your association sells online advertising, you might want to check out this  roundup of the pros and cons of different types of ads, compiled by Association Media & Publishing. JT Hroncich, president at AdBoom Advertising, breaks down the differences between cost-per-thousand (CPM), cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-lead (CPL), and cost-per-acquisition (CPA) advertising. Depending on what your advertisers are trying to do, all have their place.

“As media and the hardware people use to access it change, the revenue options available to publishers continue to grow,” Hroncich writes. “Solid advertising sales strategy can align your business with the right online ad model.” (ht @SheridanGroup)


Ernie Smith

By Ernie Smith

Ernie Smith is a former senior editor for Associations Now. MORE

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