Data Nugget: The Power of a Plan
The importance of building a formal plan for measuring member engagement.
Less than one-in-three associations worldwide (31 percent) has a formal plan for measuring member engagement, according to a new benchmarking study from Advanced Solutions International, provider of the iMIS association management software platform. Those that do have such a plan say it has helped to increase a variety of performance metrics, from event attendance to renewals.
Has your engagement plan led to improvements in these areas?
Membership renewals: 66 percent
Website traffic: 51 percent
Attendance at events/webinars other than annual: 51 percent
Participation in social media: 45 percent
Annual meeting attendance: 44 percent
Volunteerism with your organization: 26 percent
Nondues or nonmembership fees revenue: 23 percent
Membership upgrades: 22 percent
Participation in your private online community: 18 percent
Number of members who acquire or maintain a certification: 17 percent
Donations to your association: 11 percent
Source: “2016 Global Benchmark Report on Membership Performance,” Advanced Solutions International