A Message from ASAE: Our Post-Election Commitment
In divisive times, ASAE remains committed to advancing America through the power of collaboration, drawing on the strengths of our diverse national community.
Earlier this week, Associations Now published an article regarding a letter from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) to President-elect Donald Trump pledging to work with the new administration. ASAE was one of more than 1,100 organizations to sign onto the letter. I’ve heard from some members who are unhappy about that, and I want to address those concerns.
As a bipartisan organization, ASAE did not support one candidate over another in this election. At the same time, I understand that the deeply contentious election campaign, and now the outcome, have been painful for many Americans, including many of our members.
During the last week of October, NAM reached out to ASAE and other associations with an invitation to sign the letter, which expressed good faith in working with the next presidential administration, regardless of who won. ASAE saw this as an opportunity to ask the new administration to restore trust in government and business institutions.
In looking ahead, we make the same commitment we’ve made upon the arrival of past new presidents: ASAE will work with the new administration in a manner consistent with our commitment to diversity and inclusion, emphasizing the important role associations play in our society and offering our expertise to help shape effective policies that will advance our nation.
As association leaders, we have a unique challenge and opportunity ahead of us. Associations have always made a difference, and our role has never been more important.