Daily Buzz: Should Your Association Start a Print Publication?
Digital communication is great, but print publications can also lead to organizational growth and extended reach. Also: lessons from this week’s Associations @ Work conference.
We know digital communications are all the rage. But there’s something to be said for print, too. “Getting your organization’s story circulating throughout the community in a physical, tangible way is invaluable,” says Hannah Trull in a post for Nonprofit Hub.
The key is to decide what makes good print content. Trull recommends sharing project updates, testimonials from members or volunteers, upcoming events, and more.
“The sky’s the limit—if your nonprofit is actively working to achieve its mission, chances are you’ll have plenty of content to share with the community in your magazine,” she says.
Once you have a sense of what to print, you can focus on how much it will cost, which can vary based on the number of page and issues, colors used, and so on. Despite how it might affect your association’s budget, the benefits can outweigh the costs.
“The main goal of creating a magazine—or any print publication—for your nonprofit is to reach a larger audience. When your publication is sitting on coffee tables around town, people are bound to pick it up and read it,” Trull says. “And if they like what they see, they might even subscribe themselves. This can lead to new connections, volunteers, and, of course, donors. For those who already do know about your organization, seeing that you’ve gone the extra mile to print a magazine just might be the extra push they need to support you.”
From Ideation to Action at Associations @ Work
@rohitbhargava and innovation at #AtWork18 @ASAEcenter pic.twitter.com/F0m2ISX5a1
— Marvin Webb, MS, MBA, MFA (@marvinwebb) October 30, 2018
Every meeting brings new lessons to apply at your organization. At ASAE’s Associations @ Work conference, Rohit Bhargava, an innovation and marketing expert and the founder of the Non-Obvious Company, explained how to turn creative brainstorming into action. That process starts with “non-obvious thinking,” he said. Cultivating these five habits—being observant, curious, fickle, thoughtful, and elegant—can make it happen.
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