Lunchtime Links: A Campaign Email Postmortem
How the Obama and Romney teams each used campaign email in interesting — and sometimes surprising — ways. Also: How a good image helps sell a point.
You’ve seen the emails. They’ve flooded your inbox, asking you to donate to a campaign, often changing subject and name format at a moment’s notice. And recently, they’ve become more urgent, with the calls to action becoming more emphatic.
They’ll be gone tomorrow. And though they were aggressive, admit it: You might miss them, because they were some of the best marketing emails you’ve ever seen.
Even if you didn’t agree with the views presented, you definitely can’t say the 2012 presidential campaign emails were boring. That and more in today’s Lunchtime Links:
“Hey:” Obama and Romney were both known for running innovative email campaigns, and there are a lot of lessons to take from them, according to Klaviyo’s Ed Hallen. The Obama campaign in particular used novel subject lines, often a single word, and others used colons at the end. Romney’s campaign more commonly used secondary figures in author lines — although both used the tactic. What can you take back to your association’s email campaigns?
Speaking of messaging tips: A good photo goes a long way toward making a persuasive point, according to nonprofit blogger Katya Andresen, citing research from Neuromarketing’s Roger Dooley. “I’m not advocating misleading use of photos,” she explains, “but I’ll be the first to endorse Roger’s advice that images make your appeals, news, and reports stronger.” We wonder what would happen if you mixed a one-word headline, a colon, and an effective photo into an email.
Instagram, writ large: The photo-sharing service may be one of the fastest-growing social networks, but until this week, it was missing something pretty major: web-based profiles. The company announced those yesterday. But don’t expect to upload photos from your web browser anytime soon. “Instagram is focused on the production of photos from mobile devices so users are not currently able to upload from the web,” the company said. “We’re excited about how Web Profiles will make it easier to browse and share content on the web for all our users.”
With Instagram quickly becoming a more popular platform for events, how will you use the new profiles when they launch? Let us know in the comments.