Title IX Association’s New “Super Member” Strategy
To boost its efforts to offer its members the resources they need to best do their jobs, the Association of Title IX Administrators created a new membership category focused on providing greater access to its educational materials and services.
The Association of Title IX Administrators is looking forward to welcoming some Super Members.
The new membership category will offer access to all of ATIXA’s resources and materials along with special event and bonus content at a premium annual fee. The current membership level is available for a lower dues amount but requires paying for resources on an a la carte basis.
The new offering stems from a growing need among the association’s 3,000 members for resources to help them do their jobs given a relative lack of information and clarity around Title IX coordinator positions.
Just last week, the U.S. Department of Education released a resource guide to help these professionals better understand their positions within K-12 schools, colleges, and universities. The agency also emphasized the need for schools to designate employees as Title IX coordinators to ensure their institutions are complying with the law.
ATIXA was founded to help educate coordinators and others who are ensuring Title IX compliance in America’s schools.
“The association is run by the nation’s foremost experts on Title IX, and early on, the goal was for the association to offer training to members, as mandated by law, and for members to share resources as they developed them,” Brett Sokolow, ATIXA executive director, said in an email. “However, members faced such an uphill challenge and so lacked resources that they turned to ATIXA from day one to develop those materials.”
The association couldn’t keep up with the steady demand for these resources, so it began to charge for the materials as a way “to offset the investment in infrastructure necessary to meet member needs,” Sokolow said.
“The average member was spending two to three times their membership fee on various ATIXA products and services annually,” he added. “We realized there was a nickel-and-diming effect happening the more resources we developed, and we considered raising our member fees so that members would receive more without having to pay over and over. That is where the idea for the content-rich Super Member category came from.”
While the price tag is steeper—cost for an individual super membership is $5,599, compared to $599 for a regular individual membership—super membership is more economical over time for members who want access to the host of ATIXA’s resources, Sokolow said.
“Being a Super Member affords resources, access, and opportunities—all for far less than half of what it would cost members to purchase each resource individually.”