Social Media Roundup: If Astrophysicists Can’t Solve Airplane Boarding, Who Can?
Airlines aren’t the only ones who can’t find the right strategy to board airplanes effectively. Also: 10 reasons why a platform-centric social marketing approach is a good idea for brands and businesses.
Now boarding…the potential financial benefits of streamlining airplane boarding—and why no one has been able to figure it out. Also check out advice on how to narrow down your social media marketing options in today’s Social Media Roundup.
Herding Cats
String theory is apparently easier to understand than the boarding process. Those of you traveling to ASAE 2013 by plane more than likely encountered the chaotic boarding process that defines most airport experiences. Airlines aren’t alone in the pursuit of streamlining that process to decrease headaches for employees and customers alike. Astrophysicist Jason Steffen of the University of Illinois told the Associated Press he calculated the perfect plan, but admitted it probably wouldn’t work because it calls for boarding passengers in a precise order. “Well,” Steffen said, “I understand why airline people aren’t calling me.” Figuring out the problem is actually a big deal, according to researchers from Northern Illinois University. Based on their recent study, every extra minute at the gate could add $30 in costs. (ht @billwalker7)
One Social Platform to Rule Them All
Focus on one platform–> #SocialMedia Content Marketing On One Platform – @sai
— Marissa Pick (@marissapick) August 2, 2013
Don’t dilute your brand by half-heartedly partaking everywhere on social media. Scattershot approaches to social media might make it appear like your brand has reach everywhere, but it’s probably not a healthy option for some companies. So says Marcelo Ballve of Business Insider, who gives brands and businesses 10 reasons why a platform-centric social media marketing strategy is a better fit based a on recent research study by the publication. Budget is certainly one of the best reasons for small or niche companies. “Your organization will no longer leak dollars with a half-hearted attempt to be, and post everywhere,” writes Ballve. (ht @marissapick)
What’s on your social agenda today? Perhaps a little Annual? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.