
Wednesday Buzz: Think Like a Superhero

When the office is in chaos, leaders can save the day the Captain America way. Also: Get your uncertain members to return by observing their actions.

You can’t top leadership lessons from a comic book superhero, can you?

According to Inc. contributor Geoffrey James, managers can get their office avengers to assemble by taking a page out of a Captain America comic book. He explains that bosses could learn a thing or two from the patriotic hero’s best qualities, such as his strong moral center, dedication to his team, and lack of narcissism.

Just as Captain America embodies the red, white, and blue to the fullest, supervisors should follow suit.

“When not on duty, Captain America seeks to be anonymous, to blend into the woodwork,” James writes. “And he’s always generous in his praise of the team, while minimizing his own contributions. Despite the drumbeat of personal branding, the best bosses are that way, too. They don’t go on and on about themselves and their accomplishments. They’re all about creating a team that wins, not about winning for themselves.”

Don’t Call it a Comeback

“So what should you do when members lapse?” Silverbear’s Victoria Chapman suggests implementing a comprehensive solution to get them back. Consider analyzing their hesitant behavior, determining their interest in continuing to receive more literature about your association, and adjusting communication tactics to fit their preferences. Eventually, you’ll be able to spot potential deactivators and attempt to encourage them to stay aboard.

“There will be trigger points along the way that will help you to identify members that are likely to rejoin soon,” she writes, “be it a response to an invitation or some other form of engagement. By analyzing the behavior of previous lapsed members, you will be able to identify those members with the highest prospects of rejoining and focus your attention on these individuals as appropriate.”

Other Good Reads

The Muse‘s Lea McLeod offers tips on how to confront your manager when you’ve reached your breaking point. Step 1: Be assertive, not aggressive.

Slideshows are so yesterday. BrightonSEO founder and Event Manager Blog contributor Kelvin Newman offers ways event planners can help spice up the traditional guest speaker format.

“Innovation Requires Change!” Velvet Chainsaw Consulting’s Jeff Hurt says observation is the first step to creating better events.

“There is an overabundance of managers and a huge lack of leaders,” Plexus Consulting’s Ann W. Rosser states. She has a few ideas on how to improve that balance.

(Marvel Films)

Alexis Williams

By Alexis Williams

Alexis Williams is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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