
Friday Buzz: Deliver Us From Lackadaisical Leaders

Management teams must take a hard look---and corrective action---when a poorly performing executive brings the organization down. Also: Look to data to enhance your website.

If your organization is stuck in a rut with a lackadaisical leader, it’s time to take action. A team can take only so many broken promises before its top performers start to head for the door.

The steps Inc. Magazine senior writer Ilan Morchari suggests for dealing with weak leaders include reviewing tasks assigned, restating expectations, and calling on Human Resources if subpar work continues.

“Ensure that your senior managers are clear about their goals—and the consequences of not meeting them,” he writes. “Establish common systems and protocols that allow for various business units—and the senior execs in charge of them—to speak the same language. Take steps to prevent any team member from veering onto an underperforming, individualized path.”

How Well do You Know Your Members?


“People increasingly expect a personalized online experience,” Avectra freelance writer Deirdre Reid explains. Whether it’s a simple “welcome back” banner or a customizable profile, dedicated association members look to be recognized when they log in to build a long-lasting relationship with their nonprofit organization.

To revamp websites that aren’t up to snuff, Reid suggests staff collect data about their members, assess data-sharing strategies, and create a more tailored online membership experience based on members’ interests.

“Imagine if your website combined personalized content with a social community—it could become a regular fixture in your members’ lives,” she writes.

Website data, social media, and email analytics are good places to start gathering facts and figures. (ht @avectra)

Other Good Reads

“The foundation for all your future social media engagement” rests in acquiring the right type of followers, Jenise Fryatt writes for Cvent.

Break down barriers: In a guest post for Event Manager Blog, event consultant William Thomson highlights 10 solutions for better networking at your events.

For association boards that are getting too big for their britches, SCD Group’s Steve Drake suggests downsizing.

The World Wildlife Fund’s Jessica Fraser Sotelo proposes three mobile avenues that associations can take advantage of to boost their content marketing efforts.


Alexis Williams

By Alexis Williams

Alexis Williams is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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