
Egg Campaign Goes Over Easy With Side of Kevin Bacon

In a new ad campaign for the American Egg Board, the veteran movie an TV star suggests that the right way to fill up on protein is with a few eggs. And bacon, of course.

Eggs and bacon have always been separated by just a single degree. Quite often, they’re on the same plate.

But the American Egg Board, the marketing organization that tries to sell the public on eating an egg or two for protein, hasn’t had a direct connection with Kevin Bacon—until now.

In a genius bit of advertising that’s been widely praised, the Egg Board last week released a new web clip featuring the Footloose star, lying on a kitchen counter, talking about the benefits of eggs. Then things get interesting.

“The web film starts off a bit slow, a pun here, a health stat there, but then makes a left turn into some sexy tension that expertly taps the actor’s longstanding appeal among Gen X men and women,” observes Fast Company writer Jeff Beer.

(Ironically, Bacon emphasizes in the two-minute clip that he doesn’t like puns—especially hilarious considering that the entire awareness campaign is one.)

The “Wake Up to Eggs With Bacon” campaign comes as the egg industry is on an upswing, with Americans eating about 260 eggs per year, on average, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The industry got a boost last month when a government advisory panel on nutrition declared that dietary cholesterol should no longer be considered a risk to heart health.

While the industry faces its share of complaints from animal-rights activists and vegan competition from the likes of Hampton Creek, it hasn’t had to go on the defensive in its marketing—unlike another staple of the dairy aisle, milk.

“We think we’re in the beginning stages of the most positive, long-term growth period for eggs in decades,” Kevin Burkum, senior vice president of marketing at the American Egg Board, told the Associated Press.

So enough about eggs: What’s your favorite Kevin Bacon movie? Tell us in the comments.

(YouTube screenshot)

Ernie Smith

By Ernie Smith

Ernie Smith is a former senior editor for Associations Now. MORE

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