Social Media Roundup: The Cost of Disengaged Employees
Also: Congress gets a much-needed redesign of its complicated search engine.
Fans of redesigned government sites and studies on workforce engagement, today is your lucky day. Here’s what has been making waves in the association world:
Enraged Over Disengagement
Consultant and author Jamie Notter tips us off to Towers Watson’s 2012 Global Workforce Study, which suggests that companies have a lot to do on the workforce performance front. “On a deeper level, however, this finding on employee engagement represents a wake-up call for employers,” the study says, “regardless of whether they’re competing to find enough of the right talent, struggling to maintain engagement following a major change in the business, or trying to retain a cadre of workers with essential skills.” As Blogging4Jobs points out, the study says it’s costing employers $350 billion each year.
Congress in Beta
Adding to bookmarks now! RT @AP: New search engine offers people better access to Congress: http://t.co/3gJ7Gjop -SC
— Stefanie Reeves, FASAE, CAE (@sjreeves) September 19, 2012
Ever try looking up info on legislation online? Not exactly the most fun thing in the world, right? Well, as Stefanie Reeves, senior legislative and federal affairs officer at the American Psychological Association, points out on her Twitter feed, the Library of Congress’ new site, Congress.gov, just hit beta. Decked out with responsive design, the site makes it a cinch to find info about such things as net neutrality, healthcare, and other hot-button issues. Seem like this was a long time coming? Well, it was. The last time Congress redesigned the bones behind this system was the Netscape-friendly era: 1995.
What fun stuff have you seen online today? Shoot us a comment.