Why Associations Love (or Hate) the iPhone 5
It has a bigger screen and a faster processor, but is it better than its predecessors? Everyone’s got an opinion on Apple’s latest device.
You may have read a few things about Apple’s new iPhone. The maps are terrible! It’s boring (but incredibly popular)! It’s the best thing since sliced bread!
The association world is chiming in, too. Just to give you an idea:
App developers are ready: The Application Developers Alliance, which represents the interests of mobile developers, says the new iPhone offers challenges, but “developers are eager to take them on.” They’re excited about what’s ahead, too, citing a study the group recently released. “Only 62% of the U.S. online population use smart mobile devices, and only half use mobile apps,” the group said in a statement. “At the same time, about 1/3 of those who don’t yet use apps say they will start in the near future. We hope that this fall’s crop of new devices will put more mobile apps in the hands of consumers.”
Gaming groups love it: U.K. gaming organization TIGA is bullish on the device’s potential for gaming. “The staggeringly successful launch of the new Apple iPhone will be a major boost for the games industry … there will be more people than ever playing iOS games,” the association wrote in a press release. Meanwhile, the Entertainment Software Association estimates that mobile gaming will become a $13 billion industry by 2014.
Standards groups hate it: ANEC, the European Association for the Co-ordination of Consumer Representation in Standardisation, is frustrated with Apple’s decision to switch the iPhone 5’s port to something completely different from the previous five iPhone models — along with most of its older iPods. “Apple has established itself as the cultural icon of the 21st century,” ANEC’s secretary general, Stephen Russell, said in a statement. “We are therefore dismayed that Apple seems ready to exploit its loyal fans by expecting them to pay for the fixes necessary to make Lightning compatible with all the existing devices using [the old iPhone plug].”
Manufacturers are frustrated: The Alliance for American Manufacturing isn’t happy that Apple’s iPhone 5, popular as it is, is largely produced in China. “We may appreciate the technology but we’re bothered that the iPhone is not made in America,” they wrote.
Labor watchdogs are happier: The Fair Labor Association recently gave positive marks to Foxconn, the Chinese company that produces the parts for many of Apple’s devices, according to The Next Web. “We are satisfied that Apple has done its due diligence thus far to hold Foxconn accountable for complying with the action plan, including the commitment to reform its internship program,” said Fair Labor Association President and CEO Auret van Heerden, in the group’s report [PDF].
Think you might be interested in buying a new iPhone? Think your office might be getting a whole truckload of them? Let us know in the comments.
The new iPhone is breaking sales records, and capturing everyone's attention (photo by William Hook/Flickr)