
Do the Math: How Does Telecommuting Save Money?

A new online telecommuting calculator makes it a breeze to figure out the cost savings from working at home.

We already know the productivity gains from telecommuting, but what about the financial gains?

For those curious as to the amount of gas, time, and money saved from telecommuting, you might be interested in checking out a new online telecommuting calculator (from GovLoop, with the help of HP) that breaks it down — to the penny, the hour, and the pound of carbon dioxide saved.

The calculator uses information from a variety of studies and federal databases to crunch the numbers.

Let’s say, for example, you own an SUV, have a one-hour total commute, and drive 30 miles per day. If you want to go to the office only twice per week, where does that put you? According to the calculator:

  • Money saved: $6,170 per year
  • Time saved: 156 hours of productivity
  • Greenhouse gas reduction: 4,196 pounds per year

The calculator also breaks things down by teams, in case you want to figure out how your association might benefit organizationally from a couple of days away from the office.

Has your team considered telecommuting? Are you currently telecommuting right now? Let us know what you think.

(via Fast Company)

(TMG archive photo)

Ernie Smith

By Ernie Smith

Ernie Smith is a former senior editor for Associations Now. MORE

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