Social Media Roundup: The Trouble With Hurricane Sandy
What event planners should know ahead of the storm. Also: Lessons from startups about uncertain conditions.
Weather happens. Sometimes you just have to deal.
The end of October is somewhat late in the season for a hurricane to be a serious threat, but Sandy nonetheless could hit the Northeast just in time for Halloween. Are you ready?
That and more in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Take Hurricane Precautions
Hosting an event this week? Check list for dealing with Hurricane Sandy by @executiveoasis #eventprofs #nonprofit
— Lindsey Rosenthal (@eventsforgood) October 26, 2012
Worried about Hurricane Sandy? Could your event be in harm’s way? If so, take some tips from Anne Thornley-Brown, who faced this very issue at an event she held at Jamaica’s Montego Bay, which was near Hurricane Sandy’s storm path. “Last week, one of my clients traveled to a beautiful Montego Bay resort for a 4-day group event that my company had organized,” she writes. “Some guests had extended their stay beyond the group event. Then came Hurricane Sandy.” She shares a useful list of tips for dealing with such a situation. Have you dealt with a similar situation? (ht @eventsforgood)
Dealing With Uncertainty
What goes wrong at startups? Excellent summary from @ycombinator: #failcon #startup
— Scott Berkun (@berkun) October 26, 2012
Speaking of uncertain conditions, this piece from Y Combinator founding partner Jessica Livingston, adapted from her 2012 Startup School speech, offers some great insights about what startup founders have done to deal with trials and tribulations. She writes of “monsters” that separate success and failure. “In general,” she explains, “your best weapon against these monsters is determination. Even though we usually use one word for it, determination is really two separate things: resilience and drive. Resilience keeps you from being pushed backwards. Drive moves you forwards.” Sound like some of the things you have to deal with day to day? (ht @berkun)
What sort of leadership lessons can you take from a startup? And how do you avoid losing ground to the “monsters” that separate you from success and failure? Let us know in the comments.
(NASA Goddard Photo and Video)