Editor’s Note: Winds of Change
How is your association responding to rapid changes in technology or business?
To say that technology is challenging associations today is almost laughably
obvious. And to identify a handful of tech trends and label them the top five of 2012
is inherently subjective. But the winds of technological change are blowing so hard and so fast that we did it anyway, aiming to put the blur into some kind of focus.
We talked to association CTOs and CIOs from large-staff associations and small ones, with substantial and smaller budgets. While the members they serve are as different as a chemical company is from a florist, the same five tech challenges came up over and over in interviews. You’ll probably find a few of your own on the list.
Meanwhile, healthcare associations have been facing a challenge of a different sort since 2010, when Congress passed the Affordable Care Act. As Senior Editor Mark Athitakis reports, after the Supreme Court declared it the law of the land in June, the priority for associations in the healthcare field is to help their members adapt to the new reality. Their response to dramatic change in their industry is instructive for associations in any sector.
And sometimes the biggest challenge for an association is deciding what not to do. Find out how the organizations in our story are artfully whittling down their offerings to make sure the things they do are the best they can be.
How is your association responding to rapid technological change or seismic shifts in your business environment? We hope you’ll share your thoughts.