Social Media Roundup: Brand Lessons from James Bond
Why channeling James Bond is good for your brand. Also: BizBash's take on the biggest trends of 2012.
Don’t you love it when pop culture gives you business lessons (apparently, we do)? Another reason to go see Skyfall: Bond has must-know lessons for your brand. There’s true business grit underneath the stylish suits.
That and more in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Bond. Brand Bond.
SCDdaily is out. http://t.co/pAcUX1fW 7 Ways To Build An Association Brand Like Bond. @kencarbone #assn
— Steve Drake (@SteveDrake) December 14, 2012
Have you seen Skyfall yet? You may want to get your tickets for benefits that go beyond Adele’s hit opening song: brand-building techniques, from 007 himself. Steve Drake talks about tips to take from the master spy in a recent blog post, where he encourages associations to whip their style into shape with consistent branding messages, a great story, and a strong team to back up your association’s goals. (h/t @stevedrake)
2012, in a nutshell
What Got the Industry Talking in 2012? 22 Ideas, Trends, and Mistakes: http://t.co/sNTUGz7N #events #meetings
— BizBash (@BizBash) December 14, 2012
The event world was hopping in 2012, in good ways and in bad. BizBash has a ton of highlights and lowlights, including this one, which we’re sure you’ve noticed: “As more marketers and planners moved to incorporate social media at their events, live Twitter feeds started popping up at everything, from fundraisers and galas to conferences, expos, launch parties, and public promotions,” the magazine writes. “Hosts like Hewlett-Packard … used the projections and video screens to pool pictures as well as mentions of the brand or a designated hashtag.” Is social media taking center stage at your events to the degree BizBash suggests? (ht @BizBash_News)
What are you sharing with the social media world? Let us know in the comments.