Social Media Roundup: Tell Us How You Really Feel
What does your job really entail? A number of tweeters offer up their answers. Also: why meeting professionals are optimistic about their industry.
A single tweet can be freeing in a way.
With just 140 characters, you can say just about anything, and with the right question, you might divulge a little more of your opinion than you would have otherwise. So when NPR’s Planet Money asked a really revealing question, all bets were off.
All that and more in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Be Honest . . .
Feel like your job description is a little off? If so, NPR’s Planet Money might give you a little bit of a laugh. The blog recently asked readers via Twitter to offer up what their jobs actually entail. “My job is to heard [sic] cats, reassure frightened, angry children and sooth[e] upper management,” one tweeter says. Another calls their tech-support job “teaching old people to use the internet.” That raises the question: What would you call your job? And what do your association’s employees call theirs? (ht @billwalker7)
Stay Optimistic
Are the best days ahead for the #meetings industry? http://t.co/1B8dcAeC #mpi #eventprofs #assnchat
— Jason Hensel (@pimplomat) February 6, 2013
Need an excuse to look on the bright side? Take a cue from Leadership Solutions International’s Holly Duckworth, CMP, CAE. In a recent piece for Meeting Professionals International’s One+ magazine, Duckworth asks a number of meeting pros exactly what they have to be optimistic about. “Curiously,” she wrote, “I discovered people were hesitant to truly step out and be positive. Yet, respondents shared common themes such as growing optimism from the new, global-minded, young talent pool and acknowledging the need to speak as once voice. Now is the time to declare that the best days of this industry are not behind us but ahead of us.” Feeling optimistic about the meetings industry these days? (ht @pimplomat)
What’s on your mind and on your feed today? Tell us all about it in the comments.