Lunchtime Links: Get More Out of Your Lists
The social list platform Listly takes a mobile-first approach in its latest redesign. Also: how the staff at WordPress is fully distributed—and how it works.
Ever read a list and wish you could add to it? Then you might want to check out what a budding startup’s been up to.
How Listly’s redesign helps promote social content, and more, in today’s Lunchtime Links:
On the list: If you’re tired of creating your own lists without any outside input, consider using Listly, which launched a revamped and mobile-friendly site today. Listly offers publishers ways to build lists designed for easy engagement, whether it’s voting on items or adding items to the list. (The lists can be embedded on other websites.) It’s interactive and keeps content fresh. According to founders Nick Kellet and Shyam Subramanyan, it’s meant to build community engagement by leveraging content “that’s more shareable by your community and more findable by search engines.”
How a distributed staff works: WordPress, one of the most-visited websites in the world, doesn’t have an office. The company has a fully remote staff and doesn’t require its employees to work 9-5 weekdays. Curious about how WordPress manages its employees? HBR contributor Scott Berkun was, too, so he joined the team. He learned about building a policy, using the right tools to collaborate and communicate, and instituting an appropriate company culture. According to Berkun, it’s all about finding what works for your team. “Dozens of real business thrive with remote workers. Before abandoning the idea, managers should study how so many successful companies not only allow remote workers, but also make it an advantage,” he writes.
Push for something new: How often does your association try new things? If you’re feeling stuck in a rut when it comes to membership engagement, conferences, journals, and other association essentials, consider getting unstuck by changing things. Look within your model to find what’s driving action and what needs rethinking. “Many associations invest resources in incremental improvements rather than deconstruct and rethink the basic elements of their model. Do not look for magic answers in brilliant new strategies, initiatives, products or structures,” writes Anna Caraveli, managing partner of Connection Strategists. “Look at the underlying drivers of action, thought, and behavior—your culture, assumptions, beliefs, practices, measures of success, priorities, and relationships—to determine your association’s real, de facto orientation; and realign them around one objective: helping your members and/or customers succeed.”
What’s on your reading list today? Shoot us a note in the comments.
(Listly press photo)