Social Media Roundup: An Online Activism Success Story
How the Human Rights Campaign inspired viral digital activism via a simple image. Also: Bring out your creative side while planning your next event.
Sometimes, a small image can go a long way toward pushing a big message, especially on a hot-button issue.
One advocacy group’s successful social campaign, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Share and Advocate
Wondering about those red boxes on FB? RT @mashable: Facebook Turns Red as SCOTUS Marriage Equality Hearings Begin http://t.co/coJrZYVeUU
— Social Media Club (@SMCAustin) March 26, 2013
Today and tomorrow, expect Facebook to be painted red and pink. The Supreme Court convened today to hear oral arguments for the first time on the issue of same-sex marriage; a second, related case will be argued tomorrow. Gay-rights activists have been demonstrating throughout the day, but the biggest act of activism has taken place online, where millions of people have shared a pink and red version of the Human Rights Campaign’s logo via Facebook. With a simple message, the HRC shared the image earlier today and it quickly went viral. “Follow @HRC on Twitter and at www.hrc.org/blog for live updates from the first day of at the Supreme Court hearings. Make sure you wear red to show your support for marriage equality. And make your Facebook profile red too!” the post read. Many followed suit. (ht @SMCAustin)
Be Original
If you can’t be original, you can’t be an innovator in your industry. Event tech professional Cathy Key understands that it’s hard to execute new ideas but says that shouldn’t stop you from rebooting your thinking. In fact, she has a challenge for you: “I challenge you [to try] something new at your next event. Take a risk. Shake things up and see how people respond,” Key wrote on BusyEvent. (ht @SpeakersOffice)
What cool things are you sharing today? Let us know in the comments.
(Human Rights Campaign)