Editor’s Note: Mixed Signals for Associations
With the mixed signals from the economy, you'll need a little help making sense of it all. That's why this issue is for you.
Where finance and the economy are concerned, we’re living in the age of mixed signals and whiplash news.
As I write this, the stock market is riding its longest winning streak since 1996. The government’s February employment report showed surprisingly strong growth in new jobs. The housing market is hot again, fueling both new-home construction and existing-home upgrades.
But then there’s sequestration, like the sourpuss in the room, threatening to spoil everyone’s brightening mood. Economic growth is still anemic, and seemingly unsolvable political clashes over the budget deficit and tax reform just won’t go away.
At least, that’s the view from mid-March. By the time this issue reaches you, the picture could be different in the details, but I’m betting we’ll feel just as unsettled.
The Associations Now Money Issue is your guide to maneuvering in this landscape. You’ll meet Brenda Hargett, CAE, who wears two hats, playing the roles of CFO and COO. Her story shows how marrying up finance and operations can make an organization run smarter and produce a better bottom line. You’ll also learn why you may want to double-check your insurance policy to see if your business income coverage is up to snuff. And you’ll find four steps you should be taking now to hold steady in this kinda-sorta recovery.
There are more money how-tos and quick tips throughout these pages. If you’ve got your own to share—or have a good remedy for whiplash—write to us at editorial@asaecenter.org.
(Con Tanasuk/Glow Images)