Lunchtime Links: Throw Away Your Best-Practices Handbook
How following industry best practices could hinder innovation. Also: Have a long to-do list? Get things done by hosting a volunteer event.
When faced with a problem, do you consult industry best practices for a solution?
Why it’s time to think outside the problem-solving box, and more, in today’s Lunchtime Links:
Forget best practices: Eric V. Holtzclaw, CEO of Laddering Works, writes for that if you’re following best practices, you could lose an innovative touch and diverge from what your members actually need—or you could remain average. “I advise companies to think of best practice in a new way—make it a ‘best practice’ to determine how to be innovative and stand out from the rest of the crowd,” he suggests.
Getting things done: If you’re always trying to catch up, it’s hard to look forward. Jeff Cufaude suggests a “catch-up-a-thon,” bringing in community volunteers to go down your organization’s to-do list. “Ideally you’d involve reliable and proven volunteers to serve as ‘captains’ to help manage various bundles of tasks and projects throughout the week. But the end results would be worth that investment preparation,” he writes on the Idea Architects blog. (Speaking of volunteers, ever wonder how much their time is worth? Find out here.)
CMOs as thought leaders: According to Lisa Nirell, chief energy officer of EnergizeGrowth, chief marketing officers face one problem: They can promote a brand but not themselves. “A CMO who deploys online and offline media effectively is an asset to the organization,” she writes for Fast Company. “They are likely to draw in both press coverage and new clients. They can often attribute their success to relationships she is able to cultivate online.” As a CMO, “you have the ability—and the responsibility—to position yourself as a thought leader through multiple media outlets. The same principles you’re applying at the corporate level to distinguish the company’s brand should be applied to yourself,” she argues.
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