Social Media Roundup: Add Google+ To Your Event-Planning Strategy
How Google+ can widen your connectivity in promoting your next event. Also: Learn more about the most effective way to deliver Facebook ads.
Sure, Google+ hasn’t been the breakout social media platform many expected. But you should still use it.
The boost Google+ can give your social media presence, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Google+ pages that are updated more often actually show up higher than websites not connected to Google+.
Getting Juice Out Of Google+
Why should #Eventprofs Care about Google Plus? http://t.co/w7gx17xGNt via @BusyEvent
— info (@LBIAudioVideo) April 10, 2013
The problem with Google+ is that everyone has it, but not many people use it regularly. Since its launch, it’s been a desert of content. However, from search results to virtual meetings, Google+ isn’t a content graveyard. It has plenty of tricks for event planners, such as SEO and segmented notifications. “Google+ pages that are updated more often actually show up higher than websites not connected to Google+. This means that when someone goes to Google and searches ‘Event Planner’ they are first seeing the accounts which rate highest on Google—many of those rating higher because they are posting on their Google+ pages,” Nicolette Anderson explains on BusyEvent. What social tools are in your event-planning strategy? (ht @LBIAudioVideo)
Facebook Ad Authority
What you need to know about Facebook Ads http://t.co/eTjyYzKK1a #nptalk #assnchat #nonprofits
— SSULive (@SSULive) April 10, 2013
A lot gets lost in the Facebook News Feed. If you’re purchasing an ad, you definitely don’t want to filter in the wrong way. SEOMoz’s senior director of online marketing, Lauren Vacarello, goes through “5 Steps to Facebook Authority.” In the 20-minute video, she explains how Facebook relies on different types of ads, such as marketplace ads and premium ads. Each offers a different type of experience, and as a planner, you know how to grab your audience’s attention. Have you advertised on Facebook? Share the outcomes in the comments! (ht @SSULive)
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