Social Media Roundup: Closing The Generational Divide
Why you should work to understand millennial members' way of life and their thought process. Also: Why you should add some playtime to your next meeting.
So you’ve got a group of 20-somethings, another of 30-somethings, but most of your members are baby boomers. They all have different needs, different societal opinions, and different visions for their careers and maybe even your organization.
How to nix a generational divide in your association, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Understanding Millennial Members
Guaranteed To Disrupt Your Conference: The Generational Divide by @JeffHurt #eventprofs #pcma
— Convene Magazine (@pcmaconvene) April 3, 2013
Millennials are well on their way to professional careers. But according to Jeff Hurt at Velvet Chainsaw Consulting, people under 30 (also known as millennials) have different beliefs and attitudes toward government, networking, and even dating. It’s a generational shift that could affect your association soon enough. Hurt put together a list of six ways twentysomethings approach things differently than other generations. Knowing this, how would you approach generational divides with millennial members in your association? (ht @pcmaconvene)
Let The Games Begin
Game on! Why social gaming will amaze at your next meeting or event: via @TahiraCreates #eventprofs #mpi
— Social Tables (@socialtables) April 3, 2013
What better way to get to know someone than by playing a game? According to the Corporate Meetings Network blog, it’s the fastest, funnest icebreaker for your next meeting, not to mention it’ll release some of your attendees’ endorphins. “When you learn through doing, retention is increased and principles can later be applied to their individual situations,” says Tahira Endean, director of creative and production at Cantrav Services. “This sense of increased capability and perceived control as meeting attendees move through the levels developed with measurable, achievable tasks done collaboratively creates a connectedness which adds depth to their experience. They will leave your meeting feeling more capable, powerful and ready to accomplish more.” (ht @socialtables)
Shared any awesome links today? Let us know in the comments.