Lunchtime Links: Looking to Members After a Tragedy
What do you do when a tragedy hits close to home? The Boston Athletic Association is taking cues from all the support it's getting. Also: Societal changes may be unpredictable, but how can you steer your organization through shifting winds?
Tragedy can halt future plans. But when your organization receives an outpouring of support, you’ve just got to proceed—but with caution.
How the Boston Athletic Association (BAA) is preparing for the 2014 marathon, and more, in today’s Lunchtime Links:
Paying tribute: Amid the loss and injuries that occurred at this year’s Boston Marathon, the running industry is coming together to remember what happened and move forward with next year’s event. “The outpouring of support is overwhelming, to the point where we’re challenged now with how to handle all of it, how to respond to it, how to direct these people who are looking to help,” director Dave McGillivray said. “The entire running industry feels victimized. They need to do something, too. They need to heal, and that’s what we’re seeing.” Running events around the world have had their own tributes to the Boston Marathon runners.
Changing times: You can have a clear vision of your organization’s future, but the unpredictable economy and political world are just two factors that can throw a wrench into your plan. “Maybe we can’t accurately predict the future environment, but by setting a course and staying true to its direction, an organization can steer through the changing winds and still make progress on realizing its ultimate ambitions,” Katy Bourgeois, senior consultant at Greenlights, writes. How do you tackle your organization’s future plans?
Pictures or words?: Studies have shown Facebook users are more likely to interact with your page if the post includes an image. As Facebook has become more visual, it seems that just text has become obsolete. However, John Haydon, a nonprofit social media advisor, believes there’s still room for words on Facebook. According to Haydon, diverse content is the way to go since users have different preferences. Check out his suggestions to boost engagement through text updates on SocialFish.
What interesting reads have you found today? Let us know in the comments below.
(photo by pkorsmok/Flickr)