Social Media Roundup: Communicate With A Device-Addicted Audience
Extend your reach beyond the conference room by reaching mobile users. Also: These apps can help you jazz up your presentations.
Ever given a presentation to an audience that tuned out and was glued to their mobile devices? They could be participating in a discussion about your presentation on social media.
How to make that work for you, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Let Them Tweet
How to Present to Audiences Distracted by Mobile Devices http://t.co/qWArmK1lE6 #eventprofs #eventtech
— EventHero (@eventhero_io) May 21, 2013
A tech-savvy audience can work to your advantage. Sure, it’s not easy to engage with people who aren’t looking at you. But if your audience members won’t put their devices away, leverage their social media addiction. During your presentation, encourage them to plug in and update others on what you’re talking about. “If more event organizers, and their resources, accept the new norm, conferences will become more valuable, and more people around the globe will be able to share in the content,” Marc Brownstein, president and CEO of The Brownstein Group, writes for Ad Age. (ht @qriousapp)
Primp Your Presentation
10 Apps and Products to Help You Give a Killer Presentation #technology #eventprofs #app # presentation http://t.co/NrPO7kkdR0
— Olga Sein (@l0lga) May 21, 2013
Speaking of distractions… How do you create the visual context for your presentation? BizBash compiled a list of the 10 most efficient apps and sites to help you design your presentation. Tools like Prezi, a cloud-based presentation software, or Electric Slide, which transmits presentations to mobile devices, can give your conference an extra “wow” factor. What tools do you use to improve the look of your presentations? Share your tricks in the comment section below. (ht @l0lga)
What links have you been sharing today? Let us know in the comments.