Social Media Roundup: The Qualities of an Online Thought Leader
What makes an online thought leader? One major factor might be creative risk-taking. Also: A recent survey reveals that ethical behavior is declining in businesses across the country.
An online thought leader isn’t a know-it-all. He or she is a curious being, willing to take a few risks that’ll push his or her industry forward. Where does this type of leadership come from?
The traits of online thought leaders, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
More Than Smarts Needed
RT @jenisefryatt: 7 Traits Necessary for Building Thought Leadership Online http://t.co/YKQhEp3C9d #ContentChat #eventprofs
— Shelly Kramer (@ShellyKramer) June 21, 2013
Becoming an online thought leader isn’t just about knowledge, says social media strategist Jenise Fryatt. “Knowledge alone may inspire awe but it will never inspire others to follow you,” she writes on Cvent’s Event Planning blog. Fryatt believes other traits come into play while developing yourself as an online thought leader, including curiosity, persistence, and creativity. One of her tips: Don’t be afraid to take risks. That applies to developing yourself both as a creative type and as a leader. “If you are willing to take risks, chances are you are creative. Again, leaders do things others haven’t yet thought about. This doesn’t happen when you are busy trying to avoid failure and thinking of reasons to say no.” (ht @ShellyKramer)
Someone Is Misbehaving
State of Business Ethics in the United States [Infographic] http://t.co/jAJNPjnqpE via @zite <troubling> #assnchat
— Greg Melia, CAE (@gmeliaCAE) June 21, 2013
News on the company culture front: According to a survey from the Ethics Resource Center, ethical behavior is sliding toward ugly in the office. From misusing company time to abusing company resources, these “violations” come from staff members and executives alike—and there’s no sign of improvement due whistle blowers fearing retaliation. “One in five whistle blowers report that they have faced retaliation, and that number is considerably higher than it was five years ago when it was reported at just over one in 10,” writes Susan Gunelius of Women on Business. “Retaliation most frequently comes in the form of being excluded from business decisions or activities by supervisors or managers, followed by being given the cold shoulder by other employees, verbal abuse, nearly losing jobs, and not receiving promotions or pay increases, in that order.” Check out Bolt Insurance’s infographic on the study, which offers some suggestions for improving ethical behavior in the workplace. (ht @gmeliaCAE)
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