Lunchtime Links: Come Up With Big Ideas By Going Offline
We're at our keyboards a lot, but here's why you should always keep a pen and paper handy. Also: Don’t let technology be a distraction during meetings.
Did you know that writing by hand—as in (gasp!) putting your thoughts down on a pad of paper instead of typing them onto your computer—prompts certain functions of the brain, such as thinking, language, and memory?
That, and, more in today’s Lunchtime Links:
Unplugged: We do a lot of writing on computers. But sometimes it’s a good idea to unplug, writes Drake Baer for Fast Company. Turn off social media, put your cellphone away, and take out a pen and a pad of paper. Take your time. Pace yourself and choose your words carefully. The process can be therapeutic—and often enlightening. “Unplugging helps you focus and do slower, more thoughtful work, which is a good fit if the task at hand emphasizes quality more than speed,” writes Baer. Ever go analog? What you discover might surprise you.
Attention grabber: We’ve all been there—sitting in a meeting where participants seem to be paying closer attention to who’s posting what on Facebook than what’s being said in the room. Masters in Moderation Founder Jan-Jaap In der Maur, speaking at The Meetings Show UK, suggests banning social media from important meetings. Writing for C&IT, Tom Hall cites comments from In der Maur and other successful business leaders about the influence of technology on meetings. Almost across the board, executives said technology only works in meetings if it has a defined purpose—otherwise it becomes a distraction. What’s your take on technology’s role in meetings?
People finder: Where do you go to recruit attendees for your events? Writing for the Event Manager Blog, veteran marketer Luan Wise offers several tips to help you identify potential attendees on the professional social network LinkedIn. For starters, she says, join a user group specific to your target audience. It shouldn’t be hard to find at least one; there are more than 1.5 million professional groups on LinkedIn. Next, and perhaps most important, participate in discussions and offer insight into your industry. Third, keep the conversation going by sending an event invite when the time is right.
How do you use social media to recruit event attendees? Tell us in the comments.