Social Media Roundup: Don’t Over-Promote Your Brand
In-your-face promotion can create brand awareness, but too much promotion can lead to a marketing fail. Instead, keep things simple. Also: If you wouldn't sit through an hour of an online video conference, then what are the odds your audience would want to do the same?
Do you really need hundreds of logos to create brand awareness at your event?
Learn how to keep promotion simple but effective, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup.
Create a Brand Atmosphere
Convey your brand, not just your logo. When planning an event under your brand, take a step back and ask: What does your brand stand for? What qualities does it represent? Go beyond the logo; create an environment that builds a branded experience for your audience. Melissa Cabot, vice president of the apparel company Lucky Brand, tells BizBash that she believes in taking a subtle approach to branding and logo placement. “I also believe that overuse of logos can quickly overpower an event and diminish the sincerity of [an] initiative. Still, every single guest knew they were at a Lucky-hosted affair,” says Cabot of one company event she planned. Consider relying on interior design and product design to promote your brand versus placing hundreds of logos directly under attendees’ noses. (ht @mljevent)
Go for Visual impact
Let’s be honest, online conference video isn’t always captivating. Filming your conference and then uploading it online can be cheap and easy, but is it effective? In an article for Smarter Shift’s The Content Roundtable, Mitchell Beer writes, “Usually, verbatim video consists of a compelling image of a talking head at the podium, shot from the back of the hall with poor lighting. And it assumes that anyone has time to sit through an hour of online video, when they barely had time to attend the live session the first time.” Get creative with your visuals and try incorporating dynamic photos with audio. And if you do decide to use video for your conference, make sure it’s exciting. Keep the energy high by adding creative elements, and choose a location that is visually appealing to the audience. (ht @SpeakersOffice)
What’s filling up your TweetDeck today? Let us know if anything stands out to you in the comments.