Lunchtime Links: Turn That Post-Conference Inspiration Into Action
Get more out of your annual conference experience. Also: how to diffuse tension in the workplace.
Just got back from ASAE 2013 in Atlanta? Here’s how to turn some of those big ideas you collected at the conference into action.
That, and more, in today’s Lunchtime Links.
Action items: Annual conferences are full of inspirational moments. The events are designed to get you jazzed and thinking about new and different ways to approach your professional goals. More than a few of you are probably just getting your bearings after checking out ASAE’s annual meeting in Atlanta. But how do you take all the brain food you gathered during the event and turn it into progress back home? Writing for YourMembership.com, director of content and client marketing Christina Smith offers five suggestions for “turning that post-conference euphoria into action.” Your first order of business should be finding a way to remember all the great ideas you heard, says Smith. Next time you’re at an event, consider carrying around a pack of self-addressed stamped postcards. Every time you hear an idea, jot it down on a single card—and mail. “A couple of days after you return from conference, you’ll be reminded of the things you wanted to take action on,” she says. She also suggests following up by reading books penned by the event’s most inspiring speakers, calling on colleagues you brainstormed with at the show, sending thank-you notes to the people whose advice contributed to your experience, and connecting with new contacts via social media to continue the conversation. What’s your post-conference plan?
Get up, stand up: We spend a lot of time talking about the ways in which mobile technologies, from smartphones to tablets, help us work smarter, not harder. But for a lot of associations, going mobile makes more than good business sense. As Michelle Warner, director of Mobile Citizen, writes on the Nonprofit Technology Network, mobile technologies also empower association and nonprofit workers to leave their desks and get out into the local communities they serve. Warner profiles several nonprofits that have successfully leveraged mobile technologies to extend community outreach, build on important mission-centric programs, energize struggling fundraising campaigns, and improve organizational efficiencies. How does your association benefit from the use of mobile devices?
Keep your head: There’s no shortage of passion within your organization, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. But passion can also breed tension, especially when folks disagree. Writing for Inc.com, entrepreneur Kevin Daum offers advice from fellow business leaders in “4 Smart Ways to Keep Things Cool When Tempers Flare.” “Dealing with inevitable conflict is one of the most important skills you can develop as a leader and nurture in your company culture,” suggests Eric Holtzclaw of Laddering Works. “Start by reminding everyone involved that you have the same goal: the very best outcome.” Other suggestions for diffusing tension as temperatures rise: anticipate challenges and plan ahead, promote health and serenity in the workplace, and always say “please” and “thank you.”
What are your tips for reducing workplace tension? Tell us in the comments.
(Ingram Publishing/Thinkstock)