Social Media Roundup: Bitly for Feelings Gets So Emotional, Baby
Many organizations use Bitly to create bookmarklets for distribution on their social media channels. With Bitly for feelings, your links now express your emotions. Plus: Creative tips from TV’s Breaking Bad.
Tweeting a story that makes you laugh? Or how about one that makes you wanna blow your top? If you use Bitly for feelings, people won’t have any doubt what you’re thinking.
How to do it, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Bitly for Feelings
Bitly for feelings? This is amazing. http://t.co/J700dS6tIa
— Steph Auerbach (@StephLauren) August 7, 2013
Once more with feeling: You’re using Bitly for your social media links, right? This bookmarking service shortens long URLs so they’re friendlier for Twitter, and it provides great analytics on how many people are clicking. Well, Bitly just got all emotional. Now in beta, Bitly for feelings compresses long links into URLs containing words that reveal just what you’re thinking. Tweeting an article that makes you furious? Bitly will change the link to “loath.es.” Tell us how you really feel. To start expressing yourself, go to the Bitly site and drag the Bitly for Feelings button to your browser’s bookmarks bar. Then, anytime you’re visiting a webpage you want to tweet, click it to create a short link full of emotion. It’s so.easy. (ht @StephLauren)
Breaking Ground
Your complete creative guide to Breaking Bad http://t.co/3DEikvGhTq
— Fast Co. Creativity (@FastCoCreative) August 9, 2013
Leadership lessons from Breaking Bad? An in-depth guide to a violent show about meth might seem like an unusual link for Associations Now. But Breaking Bad is an unusual show. The series, which begins airing its final episodes on Sunday night, has been called one of the greatest TV dramas of all time and has won a handful of Emmy Awards thanks to its outlandish creativity. The website Co.Create takes a comprehensive look at the show’s production, and your association might learn a thing or two. No, not about making meth—about creating good content and keeping your members engaged. For example, in the article “3 Storytelling Tips from Breaking Bad Creator Vince Gilligan,” we learn that one of the secrets to the show’s success is that Gilligan tries to “constantly surprise his audience.” That should be your mandate for member communications. Keep things interesting. Don’t succumb to predictability. (Yes, it’s a stretch. We just really like Breaking Bad.) (ht @FastCoCreate)
What links are you sharing today? Let us know in the comments.