Social Media Roundup: Fresh Updates Now Playing on Google+
There's no social network left behind, Google+ included, thanks to the company's latest updates. Plus: Why it's OK to tell a client no, according to a business owner.
In an attempt to increase user count—and level the social network playing field—Google+ is pulling fresh tricks from up its sleeve. The web platform has released savvy features that bring “easy” back to building an online audience.
The details, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Google+ wants you
Follow the leader: Google+ is staking its spot on the VIP list of social network sites. The web service ramped up its features to increase users, encourage use—and, just maybe, keep Facebook and Twitter from monopolizing the prime real estate of the social networking business, reports Los Angeles Times writer Jessica Guynn. Starting with A: With “author attribution,” WordPress- or Typepad-published posts will automatically sync to a user’s Google+ account. And it now takes three simple steps to embed interactive Google+ posts onto other websites. Google+ product management director Seth Sternberg says the changes will empower and inspire both content creators and consumers. The social network’s refresh may well simplify your path to growing an online audience. Could it be time to get on the Google+ train? (ht @backrdsbiz)
Good to “no”
Meetings and Conventions – Liz on the Biz | When to Quit a Client: http://t.co/DqWVjan802 #eventprofs good advice
— Tahira Endean CMP+ (@TahiraCreates) September 11, 2013
Red light: Turning away a customer (for an association, a potential sponsor or vendor partner, for example) may seem like a bad idea, particularly if you’re looking to grow your organization. But, as independent planner Elizabeth Zielinski says, sometimes it’s your smartest bet. Although she’s writing about clients from a business owner’s perspective, much of her advice applies. For example: Avoid letting money be your sole motivator, she says. The best performance stems from compatible skills, interests, and goals for both company and client. So, make sure your potential partners share your mission and believe in what your association stands for. “You won’t be available to deliver the work you’re best at doing if the clients who aren’t fully aligned with your mission weigh you down and fill all of your available time,” Zielinski writes. (ht @TahiraCreates)
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(photo by west.m/Flickr)