Social Media Roundup: Keep Your Tech Job From Getting Scrapped
Your information technology department may be mission-critical today, but what about tomorrow? Forbes has some tips for future-focused IT teams. Plus: how getting too comfortable can turn painful.
Technology changes as fast as you can say, well, change. Change necessitates adaptation, and your IT department is no exception to the rule. Here’s how to start preparing to ensure the tech role remains relevant.
The details, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
IT Prophecy
How CIOs and IT Teams Can Make IT Matter Again http://t.co/vK7wPZBh9D
— Luxury (@Luxury_etc) September 27, 2013
In an ever-changing world, IT’s at stake. Two magic words: adapt, adjust. Simply, CIOs and their respective tech teams must shift with the evolving times “or risk becoming marginalized into irrelevance,” writes Raj Sabhlok in his Forbes article “How CIOs and IT Teams Can Make IT Matter Again.” Today’s tech department assists with operational complications, but tomorrow’s workers will handle them on their own. IT’s future lies in introducing strategy to help an organization advance—so start brushing up now in areas such as enterprise security, financials, legal knowledge, and people skills, Sabhlok says. Package that together “and business users will have a hard time replacing you,” he concludes. (ht @Luxury_etc)
Going, Going, Gone
Intriguing post RT @ThadLurie: Is complacency killing associations? http://t.co/vpx7bo7gs6 #assnchat
— Dan Scheeler 🇺🇦 (@DanScheeler) September 27, 2013
And speaking of adaptation… Getting too comfortable doing things the way you’ve always done them might get you into a rut. That’s the warning from Old Town IT’s Thad Lurie, who argues that there’s little room for complacency in the scramble to advance in the midst of constant change. “Objects in motion tend to stay in motion,” he writes. Don’t let your organization get left behind, sitting still. (ht @DanScheeler)
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