Lunchtime Links: Work Out the Workplace Burnout
Think like an athlete if you’re looking for fresh ways to avoid workplace burnout. Plus: Detailing the difference between salaries and compensation.
Think like an athlete if you’re looking for fresh ways to avoid workplace burnout. Plus: detailing the difference between salaries and compensation.
Workplace burnout is not inevitable. To avoid it, all you may need is a little cross-training. That, and more, in today’s Lunchtime Links:
Adjust your pace: Could a multidisciplined approach be the quick fix for your workplace burnout blues? Writing at Inc.com, Jessica Stillman cites the value of applying cross-training techniques (switching between sports in one workout) and interval training (alternating between high and low intensities) to your work routine. In other words, switch between responsibilities—answer emails in the morning and write up the blog post in the afternoon. “The idea is to keep changing what you’re doing so that you don’t have a chance to get bored and burn out,” she says. Another idea: Plug into the Pomodoro Technique for interval periods of productivity and relaxation. What techniques do you use to avoid burning out?
Note the difference: Steve Drake of the SCD Group would like to clear up a point of confusion about how leaders get paid: Salary is a part of your total compensation, but compensation is not just salary. Compensation also includes your health insurance and paid days off, contributions to your retirement fund, and state and federal taxes. “[I]t is likely that your association board members don’t stop to think about the difference between salary and total compensation when they see a list of your employee compensation numbers,” Drake writes. He communicates the difference to his staff by charting how much employees cost the company. “This might be something association executives should do for their staffs and association boards,” he concludes.
Leader of the pack: Seeing the big picture—as opposed to the small details—differentiates your leader among the larger group, writes Event Garde’s Kristen Parker. Leaders formulate the concept for a project and direct the effort, she says: It’s the managers (our type A sample) that pick up the minutiae, implementing the specifics to bring the concept to life. Both are essential to an organization’s operations—it’s just a matter of defining which title fits best among your employees.
What are some of the best qualities you’ve seen in leaders you’ve known? Tell us in the comments.