Social Media Roundup: Sort Out Your Rules of Order
Trying to figure out what exactly should go in your meeting minutes? Fortunately, this lawyer's feedback should help you sort things out. Also: Facebook's secret menu.
Trying to figure out what exactly should go in your meeting minutes? Fortunately, this lawyer’s feedback should help you sort things out. Also: Facebook’s secret menu.
When it comes to meetings, Robert rules.
But what if you want to diverge from his rules and order things a different way? According to lawyer Jim Slaughter, you can totally do just that.
More info in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Let’s Take a Minute
What you need to know about meeting minutes, straight from an attorney. #assnchat http://t.co/G7aAOI88Ar
— eBallot (@ebvote) October 25, 2013
What should you cover, anyway? Slaughter, a lawyer with Rossabi Black Slaughter, has a few insights on what you should get into your adopted record at any official meeting. While he suggests hewing closely to Robert’s Rules of Order, he notes that there’s room for flexibility. That said, it helps to have a template handy: “Minutes are fairly formulaic,” he explains. “That is, for a specific organization, the minutes will look pretty similar from meeting to meeting. As a result, you can prepare a template in advance that you can use to record the minutes, which will save you time!” What’s in your meeting minutes? (ht @votenet)
New Frontiers of “Like”
Facebook has made a ton of changes lately. Sometimes, they’re hard to follow, and if you haven’t been watching closely, Likeable Media’s Cara Friedman has you covered with a few extra surprises. “Knowledge is power. Knowing your tools inside and out will help you use them more effectively—and Facebook is one of your largest tools in the social media marketing toolbox; it is important to master all of its features,” she writes for Ragan.com. Did you know you can reposition that off-center photo you just posted? That’s cool, eh? But it’s not as cool as the fact that you can “Like” a page via a text message. We like. (ht @billwalker7)
What’s the last thing you’ve hit the “Like” button on today? Tell us about it in the comments.