Social Media Roundup: Your Guide to Beating Writer’s Block
There’s no room for writer’s block in a 24/7 content-driven world—so here’s how you can move past it. Plus: How to spot a dysfunctional leader.
There’s no room for writer’s block in a 24/7 content-driven world—so here’s how you can move past it. Plus: how to spot a dysfunctional leader.
It’s every writer’s (not-so-secret) nightmare: The flow of words freezes, leaving you stuck in creative limbo. How you can beat the dreaded writer’s block, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup.
Writers’ Dilemma
RT @lorirtaylor 6 Writing Wellsprings for When Your Brain Hits Blank http://t.co/CKmeCHc3Hs #asae #pmi #ceo
— Bryan Wempen (@bryanwempen) November 6, 2013
When the well runs dry: The writer’s ultimate fear? Staring at the screen with no inspiration as to what to write. Writers, bloggers, and content creators—fear not! “There’s water down there, my friend. You’ve just got to keep digging until you hit it,” Lori R. Taylor and David Masters of Social Caffeine write. Among their suggestions for beating writer’s block: Take the words that are in your head and get them onto paper. “Sure, you may end up typing ‘I don’t know what to write about’ 10 times in a row, but in the end your brain will get bored of that, and something new will emerge,” they write. Scanning through reader comments, searching for quotes, or finding the subject that gets you angry can also stir the mind to channel inspiration. Still stuck? Push back from the keyboard and go for a walk. A little fresh air could do you—and your creative thought—some good. (ht @bryanwempen)
Bad News Bears
The Five Dysfunctions of Reckless Leaders: Every so often, someone acts out in a way that is… http://t.co/vFGfH4w8V5
— Wired 4 Leadership (@Wired4Ldrship) November 6, 2013
Spot the problem: Is a reckless ruler running your organization into the ground? Avoid an organizational overhaul by spotting the culprit before he or she goes haywire, writes Kerry Stackpole of Wired 4 Leadership. Step one: Understand the makeup of a dysfunctional leader. Among the warning signs, according to Stackpole? A leader who belittles others’ ideas, who believes his or her solution is the ultimate (and only) choice, who never accepts blame or delivers credit when due, and who struggles to communicate in person, rather resorting to email conversation. “Having strong and healthy relationships with your teams is essential to really understanding the current workings of your organization. Anything less is truly less,” he writes. (ht @Wired4Ldrship)
How have you dealt with dysfunction within your organization? Tell us in the comments.