
Social Media Roundup: Your Event, Sunny Side Up

Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean your event can’t be outdoorsy. Plus: What your association can learn from a Moneyball approach.

Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean your event can’t be outdoorsy. Plus: what your association can learn from a Moneyball approach.

Don’t wait for the sun to come out tomorrow. Add some energy to your association’s event by booking a venue that brings natural life and light in.

More in today’s Social Media Roundup:

Don’t Let the Weather Stop Ya

Outside Inside: Baby, it’s cold outside…but your event can still have a little of that outdoorsy feel in a fully heated conference facility. “Finding ways to bring certain aspects of the outdoors to your meeting will likely make your attendees happier and more apt to accomplish the tasks at hand,” the Cincinnati USA Convention and Visitors Bureau posted on its MTG PLNR blog. Among the group’s tips: Find a venue with a terrace connected to the meeting room and large windows that allow natural light to shine in. As for decor? Go green: Bring in flowers and fill the space with potted trees. It’ll give your event an organic feel, even when the weather isn’t cooperating. (ht @CincyUSACVB)

Play Ball

Moneyball everything: Here’s a telltale sign that the kind of data analysis that the book and movie Moneyball popularized is catching on: When former New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram took office in 2007, she “wanted to moneyball criminal justice.” The problem? At the time, there was minimal data about those arrested, charged, and serving jail time. “It turns out that most big criminal justice agencies like my own didn’t track the things that matter. We didn’t share data, or use analytics, to make better decisions and reduce crime,” she said in a TED talk. In a TED blog post, Kate Torgovnick May notes that the applications go far beyond sports or criminal justice to the music world, human resources, and even the way government works. The takeaway for your organization: Don’t be afraid to analyze your organization’s data—and then to apply the results to improve your efficiency. (ht @bryanwempen)

What’s the coolest piece of data analysis you’ve seen lately? Tell us about it in the comments.


Emma Beck

By Emma Beck

Emma Beck is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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