
What We (and You) Said About Membership in 2013

It's not too late for one last year-in-review blog post, is it? Take a few minutes to explore the highlights of a year in association membership conversation both here at Associations Now and around the association community.

Over the year-end holiday break, you might have seen the “Best Of” editions of the Associations Now Daily News, one each in Leadership, Technology, Money & Business, and Meetings, which gathered highlights from our coverage in 2013. One of Associations Now‘s five core topics—Membership—was left out because its regularly scheduled day of the week, Wednesday, fell on Christmas and New Year’s Day the last two weeks.

My personal impression is that membership is just as important as ever for associations.

So, to fill that void, I’ve gathered below some of the best Associations Now had to offer in Membership in 2013. (I know we’re already a week into 2014, but I hope you have room for one more slice of year-in-review pie.) I’ve also thrown in two favorites of my own membership coverage in 2013, a couple close-up looks at some unique work associations are doing that got a lot of positive feedback from readers. And, as a bonus, I’ve rounded up some of my favorite membership-related posts from the association blogger community and discussion threads from ASAE’s Collaborate forum, as well.

To look at all of these and discern a common, specific theme isn’t easy. They range from examples of member-engagement methods and case studies on membership growth to arguments for either the imminent demise or ongoing strength of the membership model itself.

But my personal impression after watching and writing about membership in 2013 is that membership is just as important as ever for associations. The details are constantly evolving, but the fundamental concepts of community and belonging remain as core drivers of association business models. In 2014, my colleagues and I hope to continue sharing the stories of associations finding new and inspiring ways to make their memberships thrive. Please keep sending us your ideas and suggestions.

Membership in the Daily News

Membership in the Magazine and on the Blog

Membership From Association Bloggers

Membership Discussions on Collaborate

Note: ASAE member login required.

Though this list is long, it’s certainly not exhaustive. If you have a favorite article, blog post, video, book, etc. about membership from 2013 not included here, please share a link in the comments below. Happy new year!


Joe Rominiecki

By Joe Rominiecki

Joe Rominiecki, manager of communications at the Entomological Society of America, is a former senior editor at Associations Now. MORE

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