Social Media Roundup: Keep Your Curated Content Fresh
The dangers of poor curation—and tips to improve your own efforts. Plus: how a laid-back dress code provides for a relaxed and creative work environment.
Are you always in a hurry to share the latest headlines with your audience? Or are your audience members growing sick of seeing the same old stuff on their social feeds?
In today’s Social Media Roundup, learn about mistakes to avoid when curating content:
Haste Makes Waste
“Value, rather than noise”: That’s what content marketers should offer their audiences, according to Trapit President Patricia Hume. But as she notes on Marketing Profs, that’s easier said than done. “It’s impossible for marketers to create enough original, quality material for each channel every day, which is why many rely on content curation to help build brand awareness and generate leads via social media and email marketing,” she writes. You’re not perfect, but you can always get better. To that effect, Hume offers up five curation mistakes for marketers to bypass, such as skimming headlines and not personalizing things for your audience. “The competition for customer attention is fiercer than ever, and the way to win it is to offer highly relevant content that’s shared in [real time],” she says. (ht @RvanHilst)
Dress Down vs. Button Down
Check out how a casual work environment boosts productivity and success! http://t.co/RCbTXSDoaW #corporateculture #assnchat
— Multiview (@Multiview) February 26, 2014
Cut from a different cloth: While many people put stock in the phrases “clothes make the man” and “dress for success,” that school of thought is losing ground in the business world. As more offices ditch suits for their own dress codes, some wonder if there are benefits to more relaxed office wear. Over on the MultiView Blogs, Brooke Pennington briefly discusses her appreciation for the company’s casual dress code. The company does not enforce a business attire requirement, which Pennington says contributes to a relaxed and creative culture. It’s a system that has perks for millennials (many of whom are likely to dress casually at work), as well as other employees (who can let loose a little bit on days of the week other than Friday). (@multiview)
What’s your own dress code like? Let us know in the comments.