New Twitter Profile

Social Media Roundup: Meet Your New Twitter Profile

Twitter takes a page from Facebook's playbook and gives profiles a new look. Also: A new online security threat emerges.

For those of you who are dissatisfied with the way Twitter looks, take heart! A revamp is headed your way. If you were happy, let’s hope you like the way Facebook looks.

Plus: A new security bug has emerged that demands your attention. More in today’s Social Media Roundup:

The New Face of Twitter

Rumors of a Twitter redesign have been percolating for some time, and earlier today the company put speculation to rest and unveiled its new profile layout.

If you think the new design looks a little familiar, you’re not alone. Critics have already loudly decried it as too similar to that of other social networks, including Facebook, Google Plus, and Pinterest, with the large banner image and personal information gobbling real estate that could go to tweets themselves—that is, if you’re even using Twitter to send your tweets.

But for associations, the new layout presents a great opportunity to gather some top-notch visual assets and present a fresh, visual-rich face to your audience.

Everyone’s profiles won’t be revamped for a few weeks; you can check them out live on select accounts and prepare your own account for the shift. (ht @Twitter)

Bug Causes Sites to Bleed Confidential Data

Another day, another new security challenge that could leave sensitive user data exposed to those with malicious intent.

Last night the Heartbleed bug was discovered, an oversight in the OpenSSL (Secure Sockets Layer) security protocols that are commonly used to encrypt vulnerable data exchanges. OpenSSL is denoted by the “https” prefix you’ll find on many websites, including Facebook and Twitter, and is used to protect data such as your Amazon account information.

Thanks to OpenSSL, exchanges of privileged information, whether they be communications with others or your credit card number, are supposed to be securely transmitted. But because of Heartbleed, that information can be lifted from sites using unpatched versions of OpenSSL. Indeed, there have been reports of sites as large as Yahoo being subject to prying eyes.

On the bright side, patched versions are protected, and you can check whether your association’s site is up-to-date with this test. And, as always, be cautious where you click. (ht @digg)

Morgan Little

By Morgan Little

Morgan Little is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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