Friday Buzz: When Conference Guests Are On Their Worst Behavior
An executive lists some of conference attendees' counterproductive habits. Also: why promoting news from members can help your association prosper.
At association meetings, nobody puts attendees in a corner. Unfortunately, that’s where many are found—chatting with coworkers after arriving late, not knowing which sessions they want to attend.
Alon Alroy, cofounder and chief marketing officer of Bizzabo, a networking platform for events, highlights the mistakes that hinder guests from taking advantage of everything a conference has to offer, such as tardiness, hanging back, talking to the wrong people, and lacking a game plan.
“’Winging it’ is not an option here. Be strategic about your time—pick the sessions you want to attend, and reach out in advance to other attendees you want to meet at the conference via the event’s networking platform or on social channels,” he writes.
Alroy suggests you step out of your comfort zone and make the most of the experience by taking notes, sending follow-up emails, and finding valuable people to speak with.
“A win-win-win for all!”
When associations approach creative content roadblocks, Launch.it Blog President Trace Cohen suggests turning to members and exhibitors for the latest news. By publishing fresh content on social media from event attendees and invested members, nonprofit organizations can act as a “credible and neutral publishing resource,” expand their reach, attract more companies and exhibitors, and improve their visibility while keeping members informed.
“Social media can empower associations to share industry news; however, it’s hard to produce consistent content that people care about,” Cohen writes. “If they can harness their member news, and keep their industry informed of what’s going on, they can become a widely read publication and thought leader.”
Other Good Reads
“[T]here is a difference between retention and loyalty,” Association Headquarters Membership Coordinator Tracy Custis points out. Find out how members really feel about your association by analyzing their experiences rather than raking in numbers.
Let’s move! Lifehacker writer Thorin Klosowski advises that if you have a case of writer’s block, taking a walk can get the creative juices flowing.
Take advantage of the Tube: In a guest post for SocialFish, Scott Huntington says associations searching for a new social frontier should set their sights on YouTube.
“The Three ‘I’s”: Greg Kohn, vice president of client services at Virtual Inc., believes the secret to a technology association’s success rests in internet protocol, influence, and intelligence.
(Paul Vasarhelyi/ThinkStock)