Online Video Keeps Growing, Says Marketing Report
A new report from the Web Video Marketing Council takes a look at some of the latest trends in online video production, and the message is clear: Organizations are devoting more resources to engaging their audiences with a growing trove of video content.
Online video is a hot commodity among many organizations.
In fact, 80 percent of companies are producing video content for their websites, according to the “2014 Online Video Production Trends Report” from the Web Video Marketing Council.
The survey of about 300 video production professionals—most of whom work in the adverting and marketing field but also represent companies in the financial services, technology, and publishing and media areas—analyzed some of the online video production trends from last year.
Here’s more from the report:
How many online videos are being produced?
In 2013, 39 percent of respondents were producing more than 10 videos a month, and 41 percent were producing anywhere between two and 10 videos per month.
The volume of video production is expected to grow next year. Eighty-five percent of survey respondents reported they expect to produce more videos in 2014, and 15 percent said they would double the number of videos they produced last year. Along with the increase in production, 68 percent of respondents reported their budget for online video will also grow.
Who’s paying for online video production?
Almost 50 percent of respondents reported the budget for video comes from their organization’s marketing department, followed by specific business units (29 percent), video production departments (24 percent), corporate communications (20 percent), sales departments (13 percent), and human resources (11 percent).
Why are online videos being produced?
Most online videos (81 percent) are being produced for company websites, followed by social media and networking sites (69 percent). But they’re also being created for
- employee training and education (38 percent)
- management communications (35 percent)
- online video slide presentations (31 percent)
- video landing pages and video brochures (27 percent)
- video email marketing (23 percent)
- online video advertising (17 percent)
Where are videos being uploaded and watched?
Almost all respondents (95 percent) are encoding video for PCs and laptops, and about 70 percent are encoding video to be viewed on iPhones, iPads, and Androids.
In terms of hosting and sharing video, about 66 percent of respondents reported they posted videos on YouTube. Other platforms included Vimeo, Brightcove, Kaltura, Animoto, and SlideShare.
Do you expect your association will be producing more online videos this year? Tell us about your video strategy in the comments.