Social Media Roundup: Was Your Event App a Success?
Learn from the past and properly evaluate the performance of your event apps. Plus: a cautionary infographic tale.
You did it! Your association finally launched its first event app, and attendees were glued to their smartphones interacting with it.
But now that the event is over, what comes next? Experts offer tips in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Weighing an Event App’s Value
#eventprofs do you use an event app? Here’s how to tell if it’s worth it: http://t.co/5YllZ33BXk @BizBash #meetingprofs
— MTCC Events (@MTCC_Events) May 13, 2014
The world of event apps is still relatively new, and to best serve your audience in this unfamiliar territory, you need to work from a solid plan.
“The consensus: Establish clear, measurable goals for your mobile strategy before the event begins,” BizBash’s Mitra Sorrells writes.
Sorrells interviewed several professionals about their experiences with event apps and what questions organizations should ask to assess their app’s performance.
One important consideration: “If you care about long-term engagement, are people still using it a week after the event is over? A month? A year? Or did the engagement just end when the event ended?” Pathable CEO Jordan Schwartz asks.
Read through all their insights here. (ht @MTCC_Events)
An Infographic Stumbling Block
Nice survey finding – "Should you avoid using misleading data visualisation just to support your argument?" pic.twitter.com/vJU0bJ5OVT
— dan barker (@danbarker) May 12, 2014
Infographics can be a great way to share accomplishments, inform audiences, promote your association, and test your visual design talents. But like other content, infographics require extra care to ensure that they don’t present a biased view of the facts.
Whether intentional or accidental, molding the design of an infographic or data visualization in a way that misconstrues the underlying facts could raise way bigger headaches than it’s worth—especially if, as Vox recently did to the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, you get called out for it. (ht @danbarker)
(Hubert Murda Media/Flickr)