Best Benefit Ever: Online Resources for Coaching Supervisors
A partnership with a top business school offers new virtual tools to members of a professional coaching association in Europe.
What’s the benefit? Continuing education is increasingly essential for staying ahead of the competition. That’s why the Association of Coaching Supervisors (ACS) offers workshops, classes, and lectures to help members stay on top. Now the European group is also offering members the chance to take part in a virtual education experiment [PDF], thanks to a partnership with Virtual Ashridge. The assortment of multimedia materials is designed to complement different learning styles to further conversations about coaching, mentoring, and coaching supervision. Ashridge Business School, based in Hertfordshire, England, boasts an internationally recognized Centre for Coaching, making it an ideal partner for ACS. The trial will run until April 2015, when it will be reviewed.
Why it works for members: For members who want to brush up on their skills without running into scheduling conflicts, an extensive digital resource full of expertise available 24/7 is hard to beat. Plus, the program provides the opportunity to make connections with a leading business school.
Other benefits: Online learning is central to ACS’s mission. The association hosts its own collection of online tools such as blogs, webinars, podcasts, and teleforums. Members can also take advantage of free membership to People Alchemy, a performance support and capability development service, as well as an offer to join the British Institute for Learning and Development.